Well it seems the huge display of outrage at the BoB/KenZoku renaming has persuaded CCP to take another look at their 'alliance naming' policies.
This led to this statement here:
GM Grimmi
We appreciate the feedback from everyone. After reviewing all of these very valid concerns, we were compelled to go back over the information we’d collected in this case and carefully weighed it again against the precedents set in the past. Ultimately, we felt we had no other recourse than to reverse the name change, the key factor being that during this re-investigation we learned that the KenZoku alliance was created several months before the BoB alliance leadership switched hands. That being the case, the name change request was not submitted within a timely manner, as it had been in the legacy cases we were holding up as examples.
We will be contacting the CSM for input regarding our naming policies.
It's now quite clear that CCP did not really have a clear policy on 'alliance naming/renaming' issues (at least if they had a policy it wasn't properly applied), but surely they should have known that the BoB/Ken renaming would have enflamed such huge passions - particularly as it was perceived as a major part of Goons orginal 'victory'? In the two months since BoB was disbanded and Goons stole the name you would have thought that CCP GM's would have made sure their actions were watertight - but apparently not!
While many on the BoB/KenZoku side are claiming that CCP has simply buckled under pressure of a Goons 'threadnaught' the fact is that it wasn't only Goons that were outraged by this 'perceived' favouritism.
It is completely understandable that BoB wanted to reclaim their old name (or a name similar to it) and it's not really their fault that CCP's GM's mislead them on what was and wasn't allowed within the rules!
Despite the fact that BoB/KenZoku are as much victims in this as anyone else there is no doubt that Goonswarm and its allies will be chalking this up as yet another victory against their #1 enemy!
Blood Rain - Part 3
2 weeks ago